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proximity Meaning in Tamil ( proximity வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நெருங்கிய தன்மை,

proximity தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த இன மாடுகளின் உடல் அளவு கச்சிதமானதாகவும், சிறியதாகவும் இருக்கும், மேலும் இவை ஹரியாவி மாடுகளுடன், நெருங்கிய தன்மை கொண்டதாக உள்ளன.

proximity's Usage Examples:

In summer the climate is often oppressively hot under the influence of winds blowing from the interior, but the proximity of the sea on the one side and of the mountains on the other allows the inhabitants to avoid the excessive heat; at other seasons, however, the climate is mild and pleasant; with a mean annual rainfall of 20 � 4 ins.

A Russian named Popov first learnt a rumour of the existence of islands east of Cape Dezhnev, and of the proximity of America, and presently there followed the explorations of Vitus Bering.

Its trade is due to its position in the agricultural and horsebreeding district known as the "Campagne de Caen" and to its proximity to the iron mines of the Orne valley, and to manufacturing towns such as Falaise, Le Mans, 'c.

These theories are of varying value in proportion to their proximity to Aristotle's point that predication is about things, and to Mill's point that judgments and propositions are about things, not about ideas.

The subterranean passage of the Alpheus in the upper part of its course (confirmed by modern explorers), and the freshness of the water of Arethusa in spite of its proximity to the sea, led to the belief that it was the outlet of the river.

2 Moreover, the proximity of burial-place and sanctuary and the belief in the kindly care of the famous dead for their descendants reflect " primitive " and persisting ideas which find their Holy parallel in the holy tombs of religious or seckular p y g?(Fritz Miller.

Its proximity to the southern outskirts of Epping Forest has brought it into favour both with residents and with holiday visitors from London.

Orpington >>24 proximity to London, beyond those included among the boroughs and urban districts, there should be mentioned Orpington (4259).

Lord Lansdowne called the attention of the Russian foreign office to the extreme inconvenience to neutral commerce of the Russian search for contraband not only in the proximity of the scene of war, but over all the world, and especially at places at which neutral commerce could be most effectually intercepted.

The air is unusually dry, owing to the proximity of the Kalahari Desert on the west and to the interception on the east by the Drakensberg of the moisture bearing clouds from the Indian Ocean.

Smoke marker shells have a percussion fuze L32 or proximity (The expensive ones!It was a time fuze (which by the way I don't like ).

Such a state of affairs is produced by the march of civilization into the " hinterlands " of the various colonies, when man, together with the numerous domesticated animals which accompany him, is brought into proximity to big game, 'c.


propinquity, nearness, closeness,


nonexistence, nonbeing, absent, farness,

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