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proud Meaning in Tamil ( proud வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



proud தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவன் தன்னைப்பற்றியும், தன் வாழ்க்கைப் பெருமிதம் பற்றியும் எண்ணி இறுமாந்திருந்தான்.

proud's Usage Examples:

Carlyle's proud spirit of independence made him reject Jeffrey's help as long as possible; and even his acknowledgment of the generosity (in the Reminiscences) is tinged with something disagreeably like resentment.

Together, they tiptoed across the hardwood floor and stood proudly looking down Zach.

The prophetic thought is that the daughter (population) of Zion shall not be saved by her present rulers or defensive strength; she must come down from her bulwarks and dwell in the open field; there, and not within her proud ramparts, Yahweh will grant deliverance from her enemies.

He stumbled unawares upon the revolt of a proud national spirit, evolved through ten historic centuries; and the trap of Bayonne, together with the enthroning of Joseph Bonaparte, made the contemptible prince of the Asturias the elect of popular sentiment, the representative of religion and country.

ramblers holidays are proud to fly with this true British icon.

I do not suppose that I have attained to obscurity, but I should be proud if no more fatal fault were found with my pages on this score than was found with the Walden ice.

an inveterate liar, "proud, ambitious, revengeful, false, prodigal and covetous to the highest degree," 4 and Burnet supports his unfavourable judgment to a great extent.

They also had the ever-present giant jar of pickled eggs and turkey gizzards sitting proudly on the counter-top.

One obvious riposte to the question " Why did you steal my robe?So for veracity alone I 'm actually quite proud of myself for the sharp and witty riposte.

Is it possible for groups, as distinct from their members, to be morally blameworthy for bringing about harm?blameworthy accidents in the past three years, and together with them we are proud of their record.

Henry received a good education, of which in later life he was proud; he is credited with the saying that an unlettered king is only a crowned ass.

John James Ruskin, a typical Scot, of remarkable energy, probity and foresight, built up a great business, paid off his father's debts, formed near London a most hospitable and cultured home, where he maintained his taste for literature and art, and lived and died, as his son proudly wrote upon his tomb, "an entirely honest merchant.

God being what He is, at once moral and all-powerful, the immoral life is doomed to overthrow, whether the immorality consist in grasping rapacity, proud self-aggrandizement, cruel exaction, exulting triumph or senseless idolatry.


pride, self-conceited, imperious, overproud, haughty, arrogant, house-proud, conceited, swollen, braggart, shabby-genteel, supercilious, beaming, prideful, egotistic, chesty, boastful, big, dignified, snot-nosed, braggy, snotty, stuck-up, swaggering, proud of, self-respectful, crowing, self-important, swelled, egotistical, lordly, too big for one"s breeches, cock-a-hoop, bragging, pleased, overbearing, self-aggrandising, uppish, vainglorious, self-respecting, bigheaded, disdainful, snooty, swollen-headed, purse-proud, immodest, vain, persnickety, self-aggrandizing, sniffy,


discontented, decent, immodesty, humble, modest,

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