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protecting Meaning in Tamil ( protecting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பாதுகாப்ப அளி,

protecting தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


protecting's Usage Examples:

The old view that the Lares were the deified ancestors of the family has been rejected lately by Wissowa, who holds that the Lar was originally the protecting spirit of a man's lot of arable land, with a shrine at the compitum, i.

For inflammation of the mouth a similar combination is used as a mouth wash, in the throat as a gargle, and in the nose as a wash and sometimes as an ointment or spray, the ointment possessing the advantage of protecting the delicate nasal mucous membrane from irritation by stopping the entrance of irritant dust into the nasal cavities.

He believes that inorganic iron saves the organic iron of the food by combining with the sulphur, and improves anaemia by protecting the organic food iron.

Now for a short time the document leaves the great questions at issue between the king and the barons, and two chapters are devoted to protecting the people generally against the exactions of the Jews.

They perform a useful function in protecting their clients from the cruel usury which prevails, especially in the south.

Great for promotions and for protecting pockets, the squeezable oval shape coin purse is as popular today as when it was first introduced in 1951, although you have to do some hunting to find one with a bit of novelty.

This suggests that the resemblance to the pugnacious drongo may be beneficial in protecting the defenceless cuckoo from enemies.

You are authorized to kill any threats to the woman you're protecting.

But Alcatraz's role as a fearsome fortress protecting the strategic bay waters was short-lived and in a few decades it's role steadily diminished.




permissive, unprotective,

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