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prostration Meaning in Tamil ( prostration வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நெடுஞ்சான் கிடையாக விழுந்து வணங்குதல்,

prostration தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


prostration's Usage Examples:

Great prostration, vomiting and cold, clammy perspiration follow within one to three hours.

We hear in several documents of a great idol covered with gold and silver named Cromm Cruach, or Cenn Cruaich, which was surrounded by twelve lesser idols covered with brass or bronze, and stood on Mag Slecht (the plain of prostrations) near Ballymagauran, Co.

Well, believe it or not the same goes for leaving a dog in a car in very cold weather, except you have hypothermia to contend with instead of heat prostration.

Constitutional symptoms appear as a rule in less than fifteen minutes: prostration, staggering, cold sweats, vomiting, feeble and quick pulse, dilatation of the pupil, and slight mental disturbance.

It typically starts suddenly with fever, chills, headache, aching muscles, general prostration and a cough or other respiratory symptoms.

Between the date of her death in 1758 and his own on the 10th of August 17 J9 he fell into a state of prostration in which he would not even dress, but wandered unshaven, unwashed and in a nightgown about his park.

The prostrations of the credens before the Perfect were in their manner and import identical with the prostrations of the catechumen before the exorcist.

Th~re rollowed a series of prostrations and adorations, culminating in the offering of a small image of Maat, the goddess of Truth.

They are, however, in no sense evangelicals in the Western sense; for they observe rigorous fasts, reverence icons, and believe implicitly in the efficacy of the multiplication of crossings, bowings and prostrations.

He was just pulled through, but the attack was followed by long prostration and incapacity for work, and by continued relapses.

Then alarming prostration and vomiting.

30) amidst the prostrations of the assembled multitude.

We should feel that we are actually in the presence of the living Buddha and make prostrations and offerings accordingly.


compliance, submission,


strengthen, unfold, explode,

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