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proselyte Meaning in Tamil ( proselyte வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்கை (அ) மத மாற்றம் செய், சமய (அ) அரசியல் கொள்கைகளை மாற்றிக் கொள்பவர்,

proselyte's Usage Examples:

At his funeral obsequies the celebrated proselyte Aquila (Akylas Onkelos), reviving an ancient custom, burned costly materials to the value of seventy minae.

For a year (June 68 - June 69) he held his hand and watched events, until the robber-bands of Simon Bar-Giora (son of the proselyte) required his attention.

To Fenelon such employment was clearly uncongenial; and if he was rather too ready to employ unsavoury methods - such as bribery and espionage - among his proselytes, his general conduct was kindly and statesmanlike in no slight degree.

It is enough, and more in keeping with the thought as a whole, to regard him as having been in close contact with Judaism, possibly as a proselyte.

The rogue, the thief, the burglar, the poisoner, the spoiler of temples and tombs, these are their proselytes.

His charity towards men is given its finest expression in the answer which he made to a proselyte who asked to be taught the commandments of the Torah in the shortest possible form: "What is unpleasant to thyself that do not to thy neighbour; this is the whole Law, all else is but its exposition.

Under the disguise of doctors, midwives, school teachers, governesses, factory hands or common labourers, they sought to make proselytes among the peasantry and the workmen in the industrial centres by revolutionary pamphlets and oral explanations.

Badger testifies that the Syrian proselytes to Rome were superior to their Jacobite brethren, having established schools, rebuilt their churches, increased their clergy, and, above all, having learned to live with each other on terms of peace and charity.

According to Juvenal the sons of such proselytes were apt to go farther and to substitute the Jewish Law for the Roman Romanas autem soliti contemnere leges; Judaicum ediscunt et servant ac metuunt ius Tradidit arcano quodcunque volumine Moyses.

Such were making the Christian community to which the proselyte had belonged pay as much as it had paid when his lands belonged to it, making proselytes pay as before their conversion, or compelling them to abandon their lands on conversion.

In 1896 the central conference of American Rabbis formulated as a proselyte Confession of faith these five principles: (1) God the Only One; (2) Man His Image; (3) Immortality of the Soul; (4) Retribution; and (5) Israel's Mission.

Some authorities think that the " God-fearers " of some of the Psalms and of the New Testament were these limited proselytes.




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