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propounded Meaning in Tamil ( propounded வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



propounded தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பண மசோதாவைப் பிரேரேபிக்கக் கீழ்ச்சபையாருக்கே உரிமையுண்டு; மேல்சபையான செனெட் இம்மசோதாவை எதிர்த்தால், தேவையான அளவு புது அங்கத்தினர்களை மேல்சபைக்கு நியமனம் செய்து எதிர்ப்பைச் சமாளித்து விடுவார்கள்.

propounded's Usage Examples:

Brahma Samaj >>It is only in the institutes of Manu, where we find the system of castes propounded in its complete development, that Brahma has his definite place assigned to him in the cosmogony.

He emphasized the importance of our active experiences of movement and effort, and though his theory of a central innervation sense is no longer held as he propounded it, its value as a suggestion to later psychologists is great.

Next day the rebel leaders again invited the king to a conference, in the open space of Smithfield, and laid before him a programme very different from that propounded at Mile End.

And it is perhaps unfortunate that metaphysical doctrines enunciated chiefly for the purposes of criticism not in themselves vitally necessary to the theory of morality propounded should have been.

Geulincx was thus the first definitely to systematize the theory' called Occasionalism, which had already been propounded by Gerauld de Cordemoy (d.

The mathematical theory of probability and the allied theory of the combinatorial analysis were in effect created by the correspondence between Pascal and Fermat, concerning certain questions as to the division of stakes in games of chance, which had been propounded to the former by the gaming philosopher De Mere.

It is only in the institutes of Manu, where we find the system of castes propounded in its complete development, that Brahma has his definite place assigned to him in the cosmogony.

and the early Reformers were alike captivated by the charms of the Kabbalah as propounded by Reuchlin, and not only divines, but statesmen and warriors, began to study the Oriental languages in order to be able to fathom the mysteries of Jewish theosophy.

that body of doctrines and related facts which God Himself has propounded for dogmatic faith.


advise, rede, counsel,


indicate, persuade,

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