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prophylactic Meaning in Tamil ( prophylactic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

நோய்தடுப்பு முறை

prophylactic's Usage Examples:

Klein also prepares a new prophylactic from the dried organs of a guinea-pig, and one of the most interesting experiments is that of Strong (Archiv far Schiff sand tropische Hygiene, April, 1906), who uses for producing immunity in man a living virulent culture of the bacillus pestis.

All these prophylactic measures are directed against mosquitoes.

Because children with Marfan are at increased risk for infective endocarditis, they must take a prophylactic dose of an antibiotic before having dental work or minor surgery, as these procedures may allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

feverfew leaves became popular as a prophylactic herb for migraines.

Cook in Classical Review, August 1907), called "showing the fig" (faire la figue, far la fica or le fiche), originally prophylactic in character.

They also expressed the opinion that carbolic acid was a valuable agent in restraining tetanus growth when added to plague prophylactic, ' and they, therefore, thought that its omission was a grave mistake.

Condoms are also known as prophylactics, as well as the popular slang term "rubbers.

With prophylactic colectomy, the main risks to life are the development of duodenal cancer or desmoid tumors.

Nor is it possible to regard (with Zahn) such counsels as merely prophylactic; they are too definite and pointed.

The planting of eucalyptus trees is out of favour at present, but it appears to have been successful in Portugal, not from any prophylactic virtues in the plant, but through the great absorption of moisture by its deep roots, which tends to dry the subsoil.

antimicrobial prophylactic regimen examined in the included trials varied from a single dose to a 14-day course.

following prophylactic oophorectomy, the risk reduction for breast cancer has been estimated at 50% over 9 years.

prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 virus-like particle vaccine in young women.


curative, cure, therapeutic, preventative, preventive, remedy,


offensive, unsanitary, unwholesome, septic, stay,

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