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propertied Meaning in Tamil ( propertied வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



propertied's Usage Examples:

propertied classes to the producing masses.

The propertied classes in London took arms to suppress anarchy, and beat the insurgents out of the city.

It was a simple matter to manipulate these so as to throw the effective power into the hands of the propertied classes without ostensibly The depriving any one of the vote.

These local councils, to which the propertied classes alone were eligible, were subdivided into four sections, resembling the prytaneis of the Athenian council, which took it in turns to take previous cognizance of all new measures.

propertied elites who favored capitalism over socialism.

This had the effect of frightening the propertied classes in the city, who had hitherto observed a timid neutrality, and turned public opinion against the insurgents.

propertied electorate.

'When Mr Lloyd George, on the 29th of April, introduced his budget, its revolutionary character, however, created widespread dismay in the City and among the propertied classes.

propertied interests, socialism seeks to regulate society in a collective and democratic way.


upper-class, property-owning,


status, lower-class, middle-class,

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