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privative Meaning in Tamil ( privative வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

இன்மை சுட்டிய

privative's Usage Examples:

it-, privative, and g pyov, work; hence meaning "inert"), a gaseous constituent of atmospheric air.

'TOµos, from a-, privative, and TEµvEw, to cut) until the middle of the 19th century, when a differentiation was established.

Other suggested derivations are: (intensive) and pa0s, breast, " full-breasted "; a (privative) and � to-o-w, touch, " not touching men "; maza, a Circassian word said to signify " moon," has suggested their connexion with the worship of a moongoddess, perhaps the Asiatic representative of Artemis.

av-, privative, and ai�a, blood), literally "want of blood," a word used as a generic term for various forms of disease characterized by a defective constitution of the blood.

a-, privative, and O€6, God), literally a system of belief which denies the existence of God.

a-, privative, ari^y�a, a point).

a-, privative, and KaTaXap43 u'av, to seize), a term used in Scepticism to denote incomprehensibility.

a-, privative, and 06Aj, right of seizure), a place of refuge.

a-, privative, xpcopa, colour), in optics,, the property of transmitting white light, without decomposing it into the colours of the spectrum; "achromatic lenses" are lenses which possess this property.

Plato proceeds to explain by his principle of difference both privative and negative predicates, and also the possibility of false predication.

Her name, the "Unalterable" (a- privative, and Tpbirav, to turn), indicates her function, that of rendering the decisions of her sisters irreversible or immutable.

A number of Latinisms, unexampled in the rest of Paul's epistles, occur within the pastorals; whole families of new words, especially composite words (often compounded with a-privative, BEO-, KaXo -, 5 awcPpo -, 4cXo -), emerge with others, e.

avw,uaXla, unevenness, derived from a y -, privative, and ouaXbs, even), a deviation from the common rule.

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