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presentiment Meaning in Tamil ( presentiment வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கெட்ட நிமித்தம், முன்னெண்ணம்,

presentiment's Usage Examples:

"I was never pleased at Bolkonski's engagement to Natasha," said the countess, "but I always wanted Nicholas to marry the princess, and had a presentiment that it would happen.

His most original idea is the graduation of knowledge into knowing, belief and presentiment.

(1) The foe might be " a creation of his moral presentiment and assigned to the north as the cloudy region of mystery.

We know phenomena, how the existence of things appears to us in nature; we believe in the true nature, the eternal essence of things (the good, the true, the beautiful); by means of presentiment (Ahnung) the intermediary between knowledge and belief, we recognize the supra-sensible in the sensible, the being in the phenomenon.

Josiah Royce has suggested for this supposed form of hallucination the term "pseudo-presentiment.

Delorme, of Arles, in 1865, appears to have been the first who recognized its novelty and had a presentiment of disaster.

The latter at the last moment recorded their votes in favor of the Abarzuza Bill when they perceived that a strange sort of eleventh-hour presentiment was about to make all the Spanish parties vote this insufficient reform.

Tomorrow perhaps, even certainly, I have a presentiment that for the first time I shall have to show all I can do.

Her presentiment at the time had not deceived her--that that state of freedom and readiness for any enjoyment would not return again.

Of the glorious liberty of the children of God he had nothing but a mere presentiment; he looked for it only in the world beyond the grave, and under the power of the Gospel he counted as loss all the world could give.

Anna Pavlovna's presentiment was in fact fulfilled.

Anna Pavlovna's presentiment was justified, and all that morning a joyously festive mood reigned in the city.

A few years later I took my revenge by writing a diatribe against presentiments.


apprehensiveness, apprehension, dread, boding, shadow, presage, foreboding, premonition,


fearlessness, absence, precede, brighten, unprophetic,

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