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prepuce Meaning in Tamil ( prepuce வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆண் குறியின் முன்னந்தோல்,

prepuce's Usage Examples:

The clitoral prepuce of infant girls is drawn up and away from the body before being removed.

After forming the prepuce the skin is reflected over the .

When in a state of repose it is retracted, by a muscle arising from the sacrum, within the prepuce, a cutaneous fold attached below the symphysis pubis.

Bacteriuria: the presence of bacteria in the urine (normally sterile ); not contaminants from the skin, vagina, or prepuce.

The peculiar odour evolved by many rodents is due to the secretions of special glands, which may open into the prepuce, as in Mus, Microtus and Cricetus, or into the rectum, as in Arctomys and Thryonomys, or into the passage common to both, as in the beaver, or into pouches opening near the vent, as in hares, agoutis and jerboas.

The skin of the penis forms a fold which covers the glans and is known as the prepuce or foreskin; when this is drawn back a median fold, the frenuluni praeputii, is seen running to just below the meatus.

While the scarred prepuce invariably responds best to formal cicumcision a more conservative approach is recommended in those symptomatic patients with non-retractile foreskins.

Bacteriuria: the presence of bacteria in the urine (normally sterile); not contaminants from the skin, vagina, or prepuce.

The surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis in a male or the prepuce of a clitoris in a female.

Not only is the prepuce of the clitoris removed but often the vaginal opening is sewn to make it smaller.


skin, clit, foreskin, cutis, clitoris, button, tegument,


nonmember, take away, unbutton, unfasten, natural object,

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