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preoccupied Meaning in Tamil ( preoccupied வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பிறிது கவனமாக


(வேலை (அ) எண்ணங்களில் ஆழ்ந்து) முழுவதும் தன்னை மறந்திருக்கிற,

preoccupied's Usage Examples:

"Ah, the standards!" said Kutuzov, evidently detaching himself with difficulty from the thoughts that preoccupied him.

labor back benchers are preoccupied with the death throes of Tony Blair and the dynamics of succession, not the dynamics of Scottish secession.

Alex continued to be preoccupied with his problem - whatever it was.

She stopped and stepped back into the hallway, too preoccupied to notice Jonny standing in front of his door.

Another time, general attention was attracted by a small brown dog, coming heaven knows whence, which trotted in a preoccupied manner in front of the ranks with tail stiffly erect till suddenly a shell fell close by, when it yelped, tucked its tail between its legs, and darted aside.

I mean he seems preoccupied with something.

Rostov was talking merrily to his two friends, one of whom was a dashing hussar and the other a notorious duelist and rake, and every now and then he glanced ironically at Pierre, whose preoccupied, absent-minded, and massive figure was a very noticeable one at the dinner.

Pierre had the air of a man preoccupied with considerations which had no connection with the matter in hand.

He tried to pass either in front of them or to the right or left, but there were soldiers everywhere, all with the same preoccupied expression and busy with some unseen but evidently important task.

"Ah, it's you!" said Pierre with a preoccupied, dissatisfied air.

Now at the close of 1812 matters were worse, and Napoleon, on reaching Paris, found the nation preoccupied with the task of finding out how many Frenchmen had survived the Russian campaign.

preoccupy, he was increasingly preoccupied with more immediate problems which demanded logical skills.


lost, thoughtful, bemused, deep in thought,


inconsiderate, unthoughtfulness, unperplexed, uninvolved, thoughtless,

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