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premolars Meaning in Tamil ( premolars வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



premolars தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

முன்கடைவாய்ப்பல் மற்றும் முதல் கடைவாய்ப்பல் இரண்டும் இணைந்து வாயின் இருபுறமும் சோடியாக அமைந்து மாமிசத்தைத் துண்டு துண்டாகக் கத்தரிக்கோல் போன்று நறுக்குகின்ற பணியைச் செய்கின்றன.

மூன்றாவது கடைவாய்ப்பற்கள் இல்லாமலிருப்பது சாதாரணமானதுதான், இது மக்கள் தொகையில் 20–23% ருக்கு ஏற்படுகிறது, அதைத் தொடர்வது இரண்டாவது முன்கடைவாய்ப்பல் மற்றும் பக்கவாட்டு வெட்டுப்பல்.

premolars's Usage Examples:

continuous series, with massive, quadrate, transversely ridged or complex crowns--the posterior premolars usually resembling the molars in structure.

, in which part of the masseter passes through the broad infra-orbital canal, and the premolars are; the molars being low-crowned, many-rooted and either cusped or ridged.

In both genera there is only a single pair of premolars in each jaw, but in the smaller Myoscalops there are usually three pairs of these teeth.

succession does not require their replacement by premolars.

The upper cheek-teeth are short-crowned and without cement, and show distinct traces of the primitive tubercles; the two outer columns form a more or less complete external wall, connected with the inner ones by a pair of nearly straight transverse crests; and the premolars are originally simpler than the molars.

The cheek-teeth are, however, much simpler than those of Anchitherium; the transverse crests of the upper molars not being fully connected with the outer wall, while the premolars in the upper jaw are triangular, and thus unlike the molars.

In the members of the typical genus Potorous (formerly known as Hypsiprymnus) the head is long and slender, with the auditory bullae somewhat swollen; while the ridges on the first two premolars are few and perpendicular, and there are large vacuities on the palate.

inclined forwards; canines, upper small or moderate, conical I or o and sharp-pointed; lower absent or rudimentary; premolars variable; molars 3, or 2 i with four obtuse tubercles, sometimes.

sibircum of the Siberian Pleistocene, in which the premolars were reduced to while front-teeth were probably wanting, and the cheek teeth developed tall crowns, without roots, but with cement in the valleys, and the enamel of the central parts curiously crimped.

It may be added that the division of these teeth into premolars and molars in figs.

In the more typical Lemuridae there are two pairs of upper incisor teeth, separated by a gap in the middle line; the premolars may be either two or three, but the molars, as in the lower jaw, are always three on each side.


bicuspid, tooth,



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