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prehistoric Meaning in Tamil ( prehistoric வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அறிந்த வரலாற்றிற்கு முந்திய,

prehistoric's Usage Examples:

The finest pottery, often painted but all hand-made without the wheel, belongs to the prehistoric period; so also do the finest flint implements, which, in the delicacy and exactitude of their form and flaking, surpass all that is known from other countries.

Much of this must have taken place, according to the theory, in the prehistoric period; but the loss of weak consonants, of y, and of one of two repeated consonants, and the development of periphrastic conjugations continued to the end.

- Mycenae and Tiryns are the two principal sites on which evidence of a prehistoric civilization was remarked long ago by the classical Greeks.

The characteristic civilization of prehistoric Mexico, however, antedates both of these periods.

This precipice, known as Monte Somma, forms the wall of an ancient prehistoric crater of vastly greater size than that of the present volcano.

uncharted seas!uncharted island, where prehistoric animals are said to have survived, a group of explorers discover the mighty Kong.

The important prehistoric necropolis of Anghelu Ruju was excavated in 1904 62 m.

The study of the prehistoric population of Finland - Neolithic (no Palaeolithic finds have yet been made) - of the Age of Bronze and the Iron Age has been carried on with great zeal.

Mention may also be made of the following: Hecataeus of Miletus (550-476); Acusilaus of Argos, 2 who paraphrased in prose (correcting the tradition where it seemed necessary) the genealogical works of Hesiod in the Ionic dialect; he confined his attention to the prehistoric period, and made no attempt at a real history; Charon of Lampsacus (c.

- Algeria is rich in prehistoric memorials of man, especially in megalithic remains, of which nearly every known kind has been found in the country.

The comparative science of civilization thus not only generalizes the data of history, but supplements its information by laying down the lines of development along which the lowest prehistoric culture has gradually risen to the highest modern level.


prehistorical, past,


incoming, future, present,

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