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precocious Meaning in Tamil ( precocious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வயதிற்கு மிஞ்சிய புத்தியுள்ள, தீட்சணிய புத்தியுள்ள,

precocious's Usage Examples:

The boy came back to Eton a precocious rake.

's character which is otherwise inexplicable, for instance his precocious reserve and taciturnity, his dislike of everything French, and his inordinate contempt for purely diplomatic methods.

He could trade upon Edwards precocious hatred of Marys religion, he could rely upon French fears of her Spanish inclinations, and the success which bad attended his schemes in England deluded him into a belief that he could supplant the Tudor with a Dudley dynasty.

His precocious maturity is strikingly evident from the first.

The interference of the state with his education, when he was quite a child, was, however, doubly harmful, as his parents taught him to despise the preceptors imposed upon him by the diet, and the atmosphere of intrigue and duplicity in which he grew up made him precociously experienced in the art of dissimulation.

It is not quite certain whether these are to be regarded as the remnant of an earlier excretory system, replaced among the Oligochaeta by the subsequently developed paired structures, or whether these "head kidneys" are the first pair of nephridia precociously developed.

Trained in a hard school, he showed a precocious aptitude for war and government.

Prematurely born at Buda on the ist of July 1506, it required all the resources of medical science to keep the sickly child alive, yet he developed so precociously that at the age of thirteen he was well bearded and moustached, while at eighteen his hair was silvery white.

The patronage of his uncle galled him: he was dull and unhappy We find in Swift few signs of precocious genius.

In this terrible school Ladislaus matured precociously.

Aldo himself, though a precocious student, a scholar of no mean ability, and a publisher of some distinction, was the least remarkable of the three men who gave books to the public under the old Aldine ensign.

was in every respect precocious; but from the first there was what we should now call a neurotic strain in his character.

A precocious student of the Law, he made trial of the three sects of Judaism - Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes - before he reached the age of nineteen.


advanced, intelligent,


stupid, unintelligent, retarded,

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