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precedented Meaning in Tamil ( precedented வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

முன்னோடி நிகழ்வுடைய

precedented's Usage Examples:

An Alaska cruise affords you unprecedented views of breaching whales, gigantic grizzlies grazing along the shore, and endangered eagles soaring above rugged coastlines.

The magnitude of the defeat, unprecedented in American history, was generally considered as due in part to the unwarranted character of the charges made by Cox himself during the campaign, but chiefly to a widespread revolt against the recent course of President Wilson, whose policies Cox upheld.

convulsermoil now convulsing human affairs is unprecedented, and many of its consequences may well prove enormously destructive.

To pretend to know nothing was dangerous; it was impossible to reprove the king privately, while to do so openly was unprecedented.

Being handed the CEO job at the world's largest media company during an unprecedented advertising downturn might appear to be a poisoned chalice.

broadening of the scope of GATS which poses an unprecedented threat to all aspects of Canadian society.

The success was instant, and, for a quarto, probably unprecedented.

by the Venetian senate with the appointment for life to his professorship, at an unprecedentedly high salary.

As the latter was staying at Biarritz, the unprecedented course was followed of Mr Asquith journeying there for the purpose, and on the 8th he resigned the chancellorship of the exchequer and kissed hands as prime minister.

Peter Kay Multi award-winning comedian Peter Kay has extended his current tour by 40 dates due to an unprecedented demand for tickets.

Discuss Royal Enfields Can you help answer some of the following posers we have been sent?broadening of the scope of GATS which poses an unprecedented threat to all aspects of Canadian society.

This is reflected in unprecedented June runoff totals for some southern rivers draining permeable catchments.

The policy of fiscal transformation inaugurated by the Left increased revenue from indirect taxation from 17,000,000 in 1876 to more than 24,000,000 in 1887, by substituting heavy corn duties for the grist tax, and by raising the sugar and petroleum duties to unprecedented levels.

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