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pote Meaning in Tamil ( pote வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இசைக்குறியீடு, பணத்தாள், கடிதக்குறிப்ப,



pote தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உரூசோவின் இசைக்குறியீடு .

வங்காள மொழியில் சுருக்கெழுத்துகளும் இசைக்குறியீடுகளும் துவங்கியவர்.

pote's Usage Examples:

In some areas, permafrost is now emitting carbon, which could potentially accelerate the greenhouse effect and global warming.

incriminate items, documents, potentially incriminating articles are OFF LIMITS.

If you plan to use the baby nursery for multiple babies, making a gender-neutral nursery with Looney Tunes can save you the trouble of potentially redecorating for a second or third new baby.

It is significant that some market contacts have expressed misgiving about the present scale of demand for risky and potentially illiquid assets.

and finally, Aristotle and various other philosophers are quoted, to show that the external matter they dealt with, as mere potentiality, is just nothing at all.

The Zapotecs, who call the creature Talachini, and other tribes of Mexico have endowed it with fabulous properties and fear it more than the most poisonous snakes.

His fall left the finances of the state disorganized, the pensions fund depleted, diplomatic relations with France strained in consequence of the massacre of Italian workmen at AiguesMortes, and Sicily and the Lunigiana in a state of revolt, which he had proved impotent to suppress.

An exactly similar expression holds good in hydrokinetics, provided that for the electric potential we substitute velocity potential, and for the electric force the velocity of the liquid.

"But the old causes were reinforced by others of at least equal potency.

From the theological standpoint every individual is predestined either by his natural birthright to evil or by Divine Grace to good, and the absolute foreknowledge and omnipotence of God excludes even the possibility of any initiative on the part of the individual by means of which he might influence God's timeless choice.

This formula contains high potencies of nutrients and herbs tailored specifically for men.

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