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posthumous Meaning in Tamil ( posthumous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இறந்தபின் அளிக்கப்படும் (வெகுமதி) கௌரவம், தந்தை மரித்தபின் பிறந்த,

posthumous's Usage Examples:

Platinum itself he discovered how to work on a practical scale, and he is said to have made a fortune from the secret, which, however, he disclosed in a posthumous paper (1829); and he was the first to detect the metals palladium (1804)(1804) and rhodium (1805) in crude platinum.

(1187-1203), duke of Brittany, was the posthumous son of Geoffrey, the fourth son of Henry II.

His son, Henry John Patmore (1860-1883), left a number of poems posthumously printed at Mr Daniell's Oxford Press, which show an unmistakable lyrical quality.

(1560); Poetarum veterum ecclesiasticorum opera Christiana (1562); De Re Poetica libri septem (1565); Rerum Misnicarum libri septem (1569); (posthumous) Originu7n illustrissimae stirpis Saxonicae libri septem (1597); Rerum Germaniae magnae et Saxoniae universae memorab'lium mirabiliumque volumina duo (1609).

The reputation of Cano, however, rests on a posthumous work, De Locis theologicis (Salamanca, 1562), which stands to-day unrivalled in its own line.

One other posthumous production also (besides the tract on Heresy before mentioned) may be referred to this, if not, as Aubrey suggests, an earlier time - the two thousand and odd elagiac verses in which he gave his 1 The De medio animarum statu of Thomas White, a heterodox Catholic priest, who contested the natural immortality of the soul.

20 the principles for which he fought, the posthumous reputation of Becket must appear strangely exaggerated.

Antonio Galvao, who, after governing the Moluccas with rare success and integrity, had been offered the native throne of Ternate, went home in 1540, and died a pauper in a hospital, his famous treatise only appearing posthumously.

In 1885 was published another interesting miscellany, Tiresias and other Poems, with a posthumous dedication to Edward FitzGerald.

Of still greater importance for the history of Napoleon are Fain's Memoires, which were published posthumously in 1908; they relate more particularly to the last five years of the empire, and give a detailed picture of the emperor at work on his correspondence among his confidential secretaries.




middle, early,

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