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possum Meaning in Tamil ( possum வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



possum தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


possum's Usage Examples:

Opossums, raccoons, woodchucks, foxes, grey squirrels and fox-squirrels are common.

Of smaller mammals, raccoons, squirrels and opossums are very common.

The sloth, armadillo, opossum, skunk and a species of fox complete the list of the more common quadrupeds so far as known, though it is certain that a careful biological survey would discover many others.

- Teeth of Upper Jaw of Opossum (Didelphys marsupialis), all of which are unchanged, except the third premolar, the place of which is occupied in the young animal by a molariform tooth, represented in the figure below the line of the other teeth.

There are 3 species of opossum.

The principal animals and birds in South Carolina are deer, rabbits, squirrels, opossums, musk-rats, raccoons, minks, geese, ducks, wild turkeys, " partridge " (quail or bobwhite), woodcock and snipe.

In particular the Schizopods of the family Mysidae, which are abundant in the sea round our coasts, are often called "Opossumshrimps" from the fact that the female is provided with a ventral pouch or "marsupium" in which the eggs and young are carried.

The name for a baby wallaby, kangaroo or possum is a Joey.

The Moon in Greek myths loved Endymion, and was bribed to be the mistress of Pan by the present of a fleece, like the Dawn in Australia, whose unchastity was rewarded by a gift of a red cloak of opossum skin.

Wallace, this author is of opinion that marsupials did not effect an entrance into Australia till about the middle of the Tertiary period, their ancestors being probably opossums of the American type.

The opossums of America are marsupials, though not showing anomalies as great as kangaroos and bandicoots (in their feet), and Myrmecobius (in the number of teeth).

I've seen opossums that weren't afraid of me, though.

Taking opossums to have been the ancestors of the group, the author considers that the present writer may be right in his view that marsupials entered Australia from Asia by way of New Guinea.


marsupial, crab-eating opossum, Didelphidae, common opossum, Didelphis marsupialis, pouched mammal, opossum, family Didelphidae, Didelphis virginiana,



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