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pontifice Meaning in Tamil ( pontifice வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மாவட்டச் சமய முதல்வர் சார்ந்த,

pontifice தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


pontifice's Usage Examples:

Fontanini, Codex Constitutionum quas summi pontifices ediderunt in solemni canonizatione sanctorum (Rome, 1729, a collection of original documents); Pr.

In Siena he wrote his Actio in pontifices romanos et eorum asseclas, a vigorous indictment, in twenty "testimonia," against what he now believed to be the fundamental error of the Roman Church in subordinating Scripture to tradition, as well as against various particular doctrines, such as that of ' P.

On the former date, the flamen Quirinalis, assisted by the vestals, offered sacrifice, and the pontifices presided at horse and chariot races in the circus.

Included in the collegium were also the rex sacrorum, the flamines, three assistant pontifices (minores), and the vestal virgins, who were all chosen by the pontifex maximus.

pontificateance of academics pontificating about rural affairs - are they letting us down?arrogance of academics pontificating about rural affairs - are they letting us down?Bellarmine, De romano pontifice; Wilmers, De christi ecclesia (Regensburg, 1897); Turmel, Histoire de la theologic positive, vol.

Under the empire, however, we hear of a regular collegium of sixty haruspices; and Claudius is said to have tried to restore the art and put it under the control of the pontifices.

the secretaryship of state and gave it its present pre-eminence by refusing to deliver it up to one of his relations; and Innocent (1691-1700), whose bull Romanum decet pontificem ordered that no pope should make more than one nephew cardinal, and should not grant him an income over twelve thousand scudi.

D'Arbois de Jubainville maintains that in Gaul the three classes of druids, vates and gutuatri, corresponded more or less to the pontifices, augurs and flamens of ancient Rome.

When Lucullus assumed the command of the Roman troops in Asia, Caesar returned to Rome, to find that he had been elected to a seat on the college of pontifices left vacant by the death of his uncle, C.

Vita del pontifice Paolo Quarto (Modena, 1618); Ranke, Popes (Eng.

Armellini (Rome, 1884); and in "Documenti risguardanti Giovanni de' Medici e it pontifice Leone X.

The immense authority of the college centred in the pontifex maximus, the other pontifices forming his consilium or advising body.

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