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polymorph Meaning in Tamil ( polymorph வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


polymorph's Usage Examples:

The AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) method selectively amplifies restriction fragment length polymorphism) method selectively amplifies restriction fragments from total genomic DNA.

It is remarkable that a great many polymorphous substances assume more symmetrical forms at higher temperatures, and a possible explanation of the increase in density of such compounds as silver iodide, 'c.

The insufficiency of this argument, however, is shown by the data for arsenious and antimonious oxides, and also for the polymorphs of calcium carbonate, the more symmetrical polymorphs having a lower density.

Bartlett, that every ruff assumes tufts and frill exactly the same in colour and markings as those he wore in the preceding season; and thus, polymorphic as is the male as a species, as an individual he is unchangeable.

Further analysis will establish whether the polymorphic nature of these segmental duplications affects the occurrence of this disorder.

Lehmann and (2) polymorphs in which the transformation proceeds in one direction only - termed " monotropic.

Mushketov [1850-1902 ]) Cardium edule, Dreissena polymorpha, Neritina liturata, Adacna vitrea, Hydrobia stagnalis, in the Kara-kum desert, and Lithoglyphus caspius, Hydrobia stagnalis, Anodonta ponderosa and the sponge Metchnikovia tuberculata, in the Kizilkum desert.

Feline leucocyte antigen class II polymorphism and susceptibility to feline infectious peritonitis.

, there is an active proliferation of the myelocytes to form the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes, so that we have in this condition a leucoblastic transformation of the fatty marrow.

As soon as the fluids and the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes have :succeeded in diminishing the virulence of the micro-organism, the second line of defenders - the large mononuclear leucocytes (fig.

diplococcus shows a large number of Gram-negative diplococci present in a few of the pus cells (polymorph neutrophil leukocytes ).

Isomorphism may be defined as the existence of two or more different substances in the same crystal form and structure, polymorphism as the existence of the same substance in two or more crystal modifications, and morphotropy (after P.

polymorph identification, using crystallographic drug discovery chemistry.


being, organism,


prokaryote, eukaryote, stander,

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