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polygamy Meaning in Tamil ( polygamy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பலதரப் பழக்கம், அனேக மனைவிகளையுடைமை,

polygamy's Usage Examples:

The morality of the age was lax, and more especially so in Spain and Portugal, where the looseness of the marriage tie and the example of the Moors encouraged polygamy.

The herons, for instance, are much more Constrictipedes " than are the larks or the kingfishers, and, so far from the majority of " Inconstrictipedes " being polygamous, there is scarcely any evidence of polygamy obtaining as a habit among birds in a state of nature except in certain of the Gallinae and a very few others.

Theoretically Jorisz regarded polygamy as lawful; there is no proof that his theory affected his own practice.

The organization adopted in Utah among the Mormons is found also in Alberta, but the Canadian Mormons profess to have received a later revelation condemning polygamy.

polygamy among the Mormons, or violation of the trust-deeds under which the property of a church is held).

Until lately polygamy has been common among all the Malagasy tribes, and divorce effected in an absurdly easy fashion.

Monogamy, however, seems to be the rule among the pastoral tribes, and polygamy is not unknown in Tibet, especially in the eastern parts of the country.

The Zulu possess an elaborate system of laws regulating the inheritance of personal property (which consists chiefly of cattle), the complexity arising from the practice of polygamy and the exchange of cattle made upon marriage.

Its open advocacy of force attracts warlike races, and the intensity of its influence is increased by the fusion of secular and religious power, so that the Moslem Church is a Moslem state characterized by slavery, polygamy, and, subject to the autocracy of the ruler, by the theoretical.


union, polygyny, matrimony, polyandry, spousal relationship, wedlock, marriage,


assortative mating, disassortative mating, separation, exogamy, endogamy,

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