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polarize Meaning in Tamil ( polarize வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



polarize தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வனஜா ஒரு தீய மற்றும் தந்திரமான பெண், அங்கு அவர் குடும்பத்தை பிளவுபடுத்தவும், அகிலாண்டேஸ்வரிக்கு அவமானத்தை ஏற்படுத்தவும் பல முறை திட்டமிட்டுள்ளார்.

இந்தியாவைத் துண்டாக்கவும் பிளவுபடுத்தவும் ஆங்கிலேயர் ஏற்படுத்திய உப்பு வேலி பற்றி  'தி கிரேட் ஹெட்ஜ் ஆப் இந்தியா' (தமிழில் உப்பு வேலி) என்ற நூலில் எழுதினார்.

polarize's Usage Examples:

Two streams are said to be oppositely polarized when the one is, so far as relates to its polarization, what the other becomes when it is turned through an azimuth of 90° and has its character reversed as regards right and left hand.

You can even get them in different colors, gradients, or polarized styles.

It rotates the plane of polarized light both to right and left in varying degrees according to its sources, the American product being dextrorotatory and the French laevorotatory.

When the light is circularly polarized or circularly analysed, a single plate gives two mutually enwrapping spirals, and similar spirals in circularly polarized light are obtained with plates of an active biaxal crystal perpendicular to one of the optic axes.

A part of one surface of the plate may be silvered, so that the polarized ray, after having once traversed the glass, is reflected back again; the rotation is thus doubled, and moreover, the arrangement is, for certain experiments, more convenient than the other.

The polarizing prism is fixed at the centre of a circular disk, that has a scale on its circumference, which with a fixed vernier determines the positions of the polarizer, for which the bands disappear at the assigned point of the field.

Wraparounds, fitovers, polarized and gradient lenses offer an extra layer of defense.

Thus a bar of glass of sufficient thickness, placed in the diagonal position between a crossed polarizer and analyser and bent in a plane perpendicular to that of vision, exhibits two sets of coloured bands separated by a neutral line, the double refraction being positive on the dilated and negative on the compressed side.

In general a stream of plane-polarized light undergoes no change in traversing a plate of an uniaxal crystal in the direction of its axis, and when the emergent stream is analysed, the light, if originally white, is found to be colourless and to be extinguished when the polarizer and analyser are crossed.

The high spin polarization of the mixed valence manganites make them attractive for devices based on spin polarized tunneling and spin injection.

The Premier series gives us Riptide, a handsomely framed polarized sunglass that features Megol enhanced temples, Megol nose pads and a curve friendly design.


polarise, change, modify, alter,


united, integrated, shared, union, unify,

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