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poe Meaning in Tamil ( poe வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



poe தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


poe's Usage Examples:

Certainly no poet would venture to despise Wagner's imaginative conception of Kundry.

 This new body of work, with its highly-charged poetic imagery, has a deliberate ambiguity which enriches it no end.

Tracking down the truth about the " Roswell incident " is like hunting the mythical snark in the Carroll poem.

The poem had accompanied him from early manhood to the end and was the repository for the fullest "confession" of his life; it is the poetic epitome of his experience.

The inhabitants of Ethiopia, partly perhaps owing to their honourable mention in the Homeric poems, attracted the attention of many Greek researchers, from Democritus onwards.

9), the national songs have been arrested in a form which may be called intermediate between contemporary poetry and the epic.

It contains lyrical and ballad poetry, specimens of early exegesis and commentary, lives of the saints, collections of edifying anecdotes and of the now well-known Jatakas or Birth Stories.

From the first, however, it was clear that Friederike Brion could never become the wife of the Frankfort patrician's son; an unhappy ending to the romance was unavoidable, and, as is to be seen in passionate outpourings like the Wanderers Sturmlied, and in the bitter self-accusations of Clavigo, it left deep wounds on the poet's sensitive soul.

Al-Mufaddal was a contemporary of IIammad ar-Rawiya and Khalaf al-Ahmar, the famous collectors of ancient Arab poetry and tradition, and was somewhat the junior of Abu 'Amr ibn al-'Ala, the first scholar who systematically set himself to preserve the poetic literature of the Arabs.

Reading a Glyn Maxwell poem is like eating caviar; reading a Glyn Maxwell verse novel is like eating a bucket of caviar.

The main idea of the poem is the irreconcilable opposition between the truth of the laws of nature and the falsehood of the old superstitions.

Moreover, many a reciter was not content to declaim the genuine verses of ancient poets, but interpolated some of his own composition, and the change of religion introduced by Islam led to the mutilation of many verses to suit the doctrines of the new creed.

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