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plebeian Meaning in Tamil ( plebeian வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

இழி பிறப்புடைய

plebeian's Usage Examples:

We see indeed faint traces of distinction among the patricians themselves, which may lead us to guess that the equality of all patricians may have been won by struggles of unrecorded days, not unlike those which in recorded days brought about the equality of patrician and plebeian.

The tribunate called into existence a purely plebeian assembly, firstly, for the election of plebeian magistrates; secondly, for jurisdiction in cases where these magistrates had been injured; thirdly, for presenting petitions on behalf of the plebs through the consuls to the comitia centuriata.

The Catuli and Metelli, among the proudest nobles of Rome, were plebeians, and as such could not have been chosen to the purely patrician office of interrex, or of Jupiter.

GAIUS FLAMINIUS, Roman statesman and general, of plebeian family.

Though patrician in sympathy, he saw the necessity of making concessions to the plebeians and was instrumental in passing the Licinian laws.

They looked down on the Syrian, they thought the Berber a lout and a plebeian, they scorned the renegade, and called him a slave and son of a slave.

In theory, the twelve plebeian centuries were open to all freeborn youths of the age of seventeen, although in practice preference was given to the members of the older families.

In the first place the plebeians gained full rights of ownership and transfer, and could thus become freeholders of the land which they occupied and of the appurtenances of this land (res mancipi) .

Writers, savants, poets, artists, noble and plebeian, layman and cleric, without any previous concert, or obvious connexion, were working towards that ideal of political liberty which was to unite all the Magyars.

plebeian people are described as the unproblematic response to circumstances beyond their own control.

Lucius Licinius Lucullus >>LUCULLUS, the name of a Roman plebeian family of the Licinian gens.

Mummius was the first novas homo of plebeian origin who received a distinctive cognomen for military services.

The agricultural plebeian of old Rome and the feudal noble of contemporary Europe were both of them at Venice impossible characters.


unwashed, vulgar, common, lowborn,


middle-class, upper-class, clergyman, intellectual, noble,

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