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pistil Meaning in Tamil ( pistil வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மலர்ச் சூலகம்,

pistil தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


pistil's Usage Examples:

, or dioecious with staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants, as in willows and poplars, cross pollination only is possible.

1, single spikelet; 2, single flower with awned plume and palea; 3, pistil; 4, grain.

In double flowers transformations of the stamens and pistils take place, so that they appear as petals.

In Compositae, Dipsacaceae and Valerianaceae the calyx is attached to the pistil, and its limb is developed in the form of hairs called pappus (fig.

The anthers dehisce at different periods during the process of flowering; sometimes in the bud, but more commonly when the pistil is fully developed and the flower is expanded.

The carpel, or aggregate of carpels forming the pistil or gynaeceum, comprises an ovary containing one or more ovules and a receptive surface or stigma; the stigma is sometimes carried up on a style.

The pistil consists of a single carpel with its ovary, style, stigma and solitary ovule or twin ovules.

As with few exceptions the stamen represents a leaf which has been specially developed to bear the pollen or microspores, it is spoken of in comparative morphology as a microsporophyll; similarly the carpels which make up the pistil are the megasporophylls (see Angiosperms).

In the case of unisexual flowers, whether monoecious, that is, with staminate and pistillate flowers on one and the same plant, such as many of our native trees - oak, beech, birch, alder, 'c.

He was one of the first to point out the existence of certain cellular bodies in these plants which appeared to perform the functions of reproductive organs, and to them the names of antheridia and pistillidia were given.

A pistil is usually formed by more than one carpel.

- Male flower of Pellitory (Parietaria officinalis), having four stamens with incurved elastic filaments, and an abortive pistil in the centre.

2 2) the pistil consists of five verticillate carpels o, alternating with the stamens e.


pistillode, carpel, style, flower, compound pistil, blossom, bloom, reproductive structure, simple pistil,


terseness, verboseness, inelegance, ill health,

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