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pinnate Meaning in Tamil ( pinnate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இலைக் காம்பின் இரு பக்கங்களிலும் இலைகள் கொண்ட, சிறகு போன்ற,

pinnate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

விதையைச் சுற்றிச் சிறகு போன்ற அமைப்பு இருப்பதால், காற்றின் மூலம் வெகு தொலைவு வரை பரவப்படும்.

இந்த அறைகள் கோபுர சிறகு, பூங்கா சிறகு மற்றும் பள்ளத்தாக்கு சிறகு போன்ற மூன்று சிறகுகள் வீதம் பிரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

இவற்றில் சிறகு போன்ற அமைப்புக்களோ அல்லது முடிகள் போன்ற அமைப்புக்களோ இருப்பதனால், இலகுவாகக் காற்றினால் எடுத்துச் செல்லப்படும்.

சிறகு போன்ற பிளவுபட்ட மெலிந்த இலைகள் நீண்ட காம்புகளில் தண்டிலிருந்து பக்கவாட்டில் நீள வளர்ந்திருக்கும்.

pinnate's Usage Examples:

The living species have a long rhizome, from the upper surface of which the large leaves arise; these are branched in a pedate manner, each branch being pinnate.

Williamson was the first to express the opinion that the Bennettitean flowers known as Williamsonia were borne on the trunks which terminated in a crown of pinnate fronds of the type long known as Zamites gigas; this view was regarded by Saporta and others as incorrect, and the nature of the Bennettitean foliage was left an open question.

The game birds include quail (Bob White), ruffed grouse and a few pinnated grouse (once very plentiful, then nearly exterminated, but now apparently reappearing under strict protection), and such water birds as the mallard duck, wood duck, blueand green-winged teals, Wilson's snipe, and greater and lesser yellow legs (snipe).

, with bold pinnate leaves, and tall racemes of irregular-shaped purple or white flowers.

Septa numerous, arranged pinnately with regard to four principal septa.

19), the leaf is unequally pinnate (imparipinnate); when the leaflets or pinnae are placed alternately on either side of the midrib, and not directly opposite to each other, the leaf is alternately pinnate; and when the pinnae are of different sizes, the leaf is interruptedly pinnate.

Prairie chickens (pinnated grouse), pheasants and wild turkeys, all very common as late as 1880, are no longer to be found save in remote and thinly-settled districts.

Bipinnate sterile fronds of Todites have in some instances been described under the designation Pecopteris whitbiensis.

20) a sensitiveness is located in the pulvinus which upon irritation induces a depression of the whole bipinnate leaf, a similar property exists in the pulvini at the base of the leaflets which fold upwards.

long, the three main branches of which are themselves pinnately divided; it is found in dry, shady places in mountain districts in Great Britain, but is very rare in Ireland.

When the division is carried into the second degree, and the pinnae of a compound leaf are themselves pinnately compound, a bipinnate leaf is formed.


pinnated, compound,


simple, smooth, rough,

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