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pillaging Meaning in Tamil ( pillaging வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



pillaging's Usage Examples:

Nothing new, except that the soldiers are robbing and pillaging-- October 9.

Robbery and pillaging continue.

pillageks like these hurt ordinary workers, and do nothing to distract the warmongers Bush and Blair from pillaging the world, including Iraq.

Not only did pillaging take place; the boundaries or property were also ignored, and people no longer held themselves bound to pay taxes.

Year after year the raids went on under a succession of leaders - Heriold, Roruk, Rolf, Godfrey - and far and wide there was pillaging, burning, murder and slavery.

A massacre took place, and Antiochus braved the anger of Yahweh by entering and pillaging the Temple with impunity.

On sea the empire suffered under the ravages of the Cretan corsairs; and in 865 the first pillaging expedition of the Russians endangered the Bosporus.

Being eager to adorn his temple with the most precious marbles, Sigismondo's veneration for antiquity did not prevent him from pillaging many valuable classical remains in Rimini, Ravenna and even in Greece.

The dauphin and the duke of Alencon failed to bring about any sympathetic rising in Auvergne, and the Praguerie was over, except for some final pillaging and plundering in Saintonge and Poitou, which the royal army failed to prevent.


rape, spoil, devastation, despoliation, looting, aggression, pillage, despoilation, ravaging, hostility, robbery, predation, rapine, plundering, banditry, spoilation, despoilment, sack, depredation, spoliation,


peace, hot war, love, unacquisitive, hire,

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