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phosphoresce Meaning in Tamil ( phosphoresce வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

எரிவழிவில்லாமலேயே சுல்ர்விடு

phosphoresce's Usage Examples:

The conditions of phosphorescence are, the presence of free oxygen, and, generally, a relatively low temperature, together with a medium containing sodium chloride, and peptones, but little or no carbohydrates.

Many are highly phosphorescent and some by their abundance colour the water of the sea or pool which they dwell in.

The phosphorescence of the sulphide obtained by heating the thiosulphate is much increased by adding uranium, bismuth, or thorium before ignition pr.

An artificial lake in New Providence, constructed for the use of the turtle-catchers, is noted as exhibiting an extraordinary degree of phosphorescence.

He also engaged in work on magnetism, the polarization of light, phosphorescence and the absorption of light in crystals.

Beyerinck's view that it occurs at the moment peptones are worked up into the protoplasm cannot be regarded as proved, and the same must be said of the suggestion that the phosphorescence is due to the oxidation of phosphoretted hydrogen.

Thus, a form termed Photobacterium phosphorescens by Beyerinck will absorb maltose, and will become luminous if that sugar is present, whereas P.

"The infra-red requires special appliances; it has been examined visually by the help of phosphorescent plates (Becquerel), and with special photographic plates (Abney); but the most efficient way is to use the bolometer or radiomicrometer; by this means some 500 or 600 lines have been mapped.

Characteristic, also, is their action on a photographic plate, and the phosphorescence which they occasion when they impinge on zinc sulphide and some other salts.

The fish's bright, phosphorescent stripes were a mystery even to the biologists.

The mineral also phosphoresces, under the Rntgen rays.

Formerly the sparkand absorption-spectra were the sole methods available; a third method was introduced by Crookes, who submitted the oxides, or preferably the basic sulphates, to the action of a negative electric discharge in vacuo, and investigated the phosphorescence induced spectroscopically.




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