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philosophers Meaning in Tamil ( philosophers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தத்துவ சாஸ்திரி, வேதாந்தி,

philosophers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவ்வாறு இருமைக்கொள்கை பண்டைக் கிரேக்கத் தத்துவ சாஸ்திரிகளிடம் காணப்பட்டபோதிலும் கணிதத் தத்துவ சாஸ்திரியான டேக்கார்ட் என்பவரே மனம்-சடம் என்ற இருமைக் கொள்கைக்கு உறுதியான அடிநிலையை அமைத்தவர்.

மேனாட்டில் இந்தத் தத்துவக் கருத்தில் இருமைக் கொள்கையை முதன் முதலாகக் கூறியவர் பண்டைக் கிரேக்கத் தத்துவ சாஸ்திரி ஆனாக்சகோரஸ் என்பவராவர்.

philosophers's Usage Examples:

Megasthenes also describes the Jews as the philosophers of Syria and couples them with the Brahmins of India.

Small coteries of Jewish minor poets and philosophers were formed, and men like Kalonymos and Immanuel - Dante's friend - shared the versatility and culture of Italy.

These difficulties arise quite naturally from the obligation, which metaphysicians, theologians, moral philosophers, men of science, and psychologists alike recognize, to give an account, consistent with their theories, of the relation of man's power of deliberate and purposive activity to the rest of the universe.

That the inductive spirit exercised no influence on Scottish philosophers is certainly not true; Montesquieu, whose method is essentially inductive, was in Smith's time closely studied by Smith's fellow-countrymen.

It has been maintained since the times of the early Greek philosophers, and possibly even more remote ages, that matter is constituted of independent indestructible units, which cannot ever become divided by means of any mutual actions they can exert.

The Stoic philosophers, especially Crates of Mallus, arguing from the love of nature for life, placed an oekumene in each quarter of the sphere, the three unknown worldislands being those of the Antoeci, Perioeci and Antipodes.

Of the socalled Arabian philosophers of the East, al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina and al-Ghazali were natives of Khorasan, Bokhara and the outlying provinces of north-eastern Persia; whilst al-Kindi, the earliest of them, sprang from Basra, on the Persian Gulf, on the debatable ground between the Semite and the Aryan.

In the interpretation of myths Neoplatonism followed the allegorical method, as practised especially by the Stoa; but the importance it attached to the spiritualized myths was unknown to the Stoic philosophers.

We must therefore hasten onward to the age of Pericles, in which Hippocrates, already called "the Great," was in medicine as complete a representative of the highest efforts of the Greek intellect as were his contemporaries the great philosophers, orators and tragedians.

Although of Dorian stock, he wrote in the Ionic dialect, like all the physiologi (physical philosophers).

survivalist philosophers (thinkers) and not the priests (believers ).

, of course, the enthusiastic Hellenist, filled Antioch with Greek artists and gave a royal welcome to Athenian philosophers.

"transmuted into other creative forms?The ideal truth within us, constituting the inner life that is studied by philosophers, becomes transmuted by the facts of history into assured reality.


elixir, substance, philosopher"s stone,


inhibitor, activator, approval, disapproval,

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