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petiole Meaning in Tamil ( petiole வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இலைக் காம்பு,

petiole தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இலைக் காம்பு, ஒரு அங்குல நீளமானது.

மலர் தண்டினைக் கொண்டிருக்காமல் இலைக் காம்புக்கவட்டில் உருவாகுமானால், அது செஸைல் (காம்பில்லாத பூ) என்றழைக்கப்படும்.

இலைக் காம்புகள் முட்கள் நிறைந்ததாக உள்ளன.

நீண்ட இலைக் காம்புகளினால் மேல் எழும்பி இலைகள் நீரில் மிதக்கும்.

இலைக் காம்புகள் மண்ணுள் இருக்கும் கிழங்கிலிருந்தே தோன்றி வளர்ந்து அடுக்கடுக்காக நீளமான இலைகள் தோன்றும்.

இலைக் காம்பு சிறகு போல விரிந்து இருக்கும்.

petiole's Usage Examples:

The leaves of the foxglove, gathered from wild plants when about two-thirds of their flowers are expanded, deprived usually of the petiole and the thicker part of the midrib, and dried, constitute the drug digitalis or digitalis folia of the Pharmacopoeia.

- Pitcher sionally happens Orange (CitrusAuran- (ascidium) of a species that the stipules on tium), showing a of Side-saddle plant the two sides unite winged leafy petiole p, (Sarracenia purpurea).

Rhododendron Lanatum - The young branches, both surfaces of the leaves, and the petioles are covered with a dull white or tawny tomentum; the sulphur-yellow flowers are 2 inches across.

The roundish leaves, toothed on the margin, are slightly downy when young, but afterwards smooth, dark green on the upper and greyish green on the lower surface; the long slender petioles, much flattened towards the outer end, allow of free lateral motion by the lightest breeze, giving the foliage its well-known tremulous character.

Why doesn't the cad get a proper job?The thick armour of petiole-bases enveloping the stem is a characteristic C y cad c an feature; in Cycas the alternation of scale-leaves and fronds is more clearly shown than in other cycads; in Encephalartos, Dioon, 'e.

In the pitcher plant, Nepenthes, the pitcher is a modification of the lamina, the petiole often plays the part of a tendril, while the leaf base is flat and leaf-like (fig.

The spirally arranged petioles (Myeloxylon) were of great size, and their decurrent bases clothed the surface of the stem; their (From structure is closely similar to that Studies.

In the erect position of the leaf the lower side has its cells extremely turgid, and the pulvinus thus forms a cushion, holding up the petiole.

In Nymphaea micrantha buds appear at the upper part of the petiole.

The leaves are fan-shaped with parallel veins on long slender petioles.

The distal ends of these girdles give off several branches, which traverse the petiole and rachis as numerous collateral bundles.


phyllode, stem, stalk, leafstalk,


rear, ride,

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