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permanganate Meaning in Tamil ( permanganate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிருமி நாசினியாகப் பயன்படும் பர்மாங்கனேட் உப்பு,

permanganate's Usage Examples:

On oxidation with potassium permanganate it yields acridinic acid (quinoline -a-(-dicarboxylic acid) C 9 H 5 N(COOH) 2.

Chromium oxychloride reacts violently on phenol, producing hydroquinone ether, O(C 6 H 4 OH)2; chromic acid gives phenoquinone, and potassium permanganate gives paradiphenol, oxalic acid, and some salicylic acid (R.

In many cases it acts as a reducing agent (when used in the presence of acids); thus, permanganates are reduced to manganous salts, iodates are reduced with liberation of iodine, 'c.

The analysis of manganese dioxide in 1774 led him to the discovery of chlorine and baryta; to the description of various salts of manganese itself, including the manganates and permanganates, and to the explanation of its action in colouring and decolourizing glass.

Potassium permanganate oxidizes it to urea (R.

Cl, Br, I, F; Mn (in permanganates).

The peroxide, Ru04, is formed when a solution of potassium ruthenate is decomposed by chlorine, or by oxidizing ruthenium compounds with potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid, or with potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid.

The solution is then ready for titration with the standard permanganate solution.

On oxidation with potassium permanganate it is converted into acetyl urea, together with other products.

The permanganate of potash is an irritant if used pure.

In aqueous solution the free acid acts as an oxidizing agent, bleaching indigo and liberating iodine from potassium iodide, or it may act as a reducing agent since it readily tends to pass into nitric acid: consequently it discharges the colour of acid solutions of permanganates and chromates.

Potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid oxidize it to carbon dioxide and acetic acid, while alkaline potassium permanganate oxidizes it to carbon dioxide.

As the solution of potassium permanganate, which is deep red in colour, is dropped into the colourless iron solution, it is quickly decolorized while the iron solution gradually assumes a yellowish tinge, the first drop of the permanganate solution in excess giving it a pink tint.


permanganate of potash, salt, potassium permanganate,



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