peptones Meaning in Tamil ( peptones வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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peptones தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
இவை பா-பெப்டைடுகளை பெப்டோன்கள், சிறிய பெப்டைடுகள், அமினோ அமிலங்களாகச் சிதைவுறச் செய்கின்றன.
புரோட்டீன்கள் + பெப்சின் பாலிபெப்டைடுகள் + பெப்டோன்கள்.
peptones's Usage Examples:
Albumoses and peptones are white powders, readily soluble in water, with the exception of the hetero-albumoses - a subdivision of primary albumoses.
Beyerinck's view that it occurs at the moment peptones are worked up into the protoplasm cannot be regarded as proved, and the same must be said of the suggestion that the phosphorescence is due to the oxidation of phosphoretted hydrogen.
The other group attacks these peptones and breaks them down into the amino-acids of which we have spoken before.
); peptases, using the term as a general one for all enzymes which convert proteids into peptones and other bodies (Penicillium, 'c.
Chemically they resemble the albumins, being split up by acids or ferments into albumoses, peptones and amino-acids, forming salts, and giving N C6 1 The pyrimidin ring is numbered 2C "C5.
By further decomposition peptones yield peptides, a certain number of which have been synthesized by Emil Fischer and his collaborators.
Albumoses and peptones are obtained by peptic digestion, the latter being termed pepticpeptones; tryptic digestion also produces peptones.
(2) Albumoses, peptones and peptides.
The proteolvtic enzymes, or those which digest proteids, are usually divided into two groups, one which breaks down ordinary proteids into diffusible bodies, known as peptones, which are themselves proteid in character.