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pelargoniums Meaning in Tamil ( pelargoniums வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


pelargoniums's Usage Examples:

Plant out, during the last week, dahlias, hardy pelargoniums, stocks and calceolarias, protecting the dahlias from slight frosts.

zonal pelargoniums, fuchsias, shrubby calceolarias, dahlias, carnations, 'c.

Cuttings of bedding plants may now be made freely if wanted for next season, as young cuttings rooted in the fall make better plants for next spring's use than old plants, in the case of such soft-wooded plants as pelargoniums, fuchsias, verbenas, heliotropes, 'c.

Hyacinths, tulips and other spring bulbs may be dug up, dried and placed away for next fall's planting, and their places filled with bedding plants, such as coleus, achyranthes, pelargoniums, and the various white and coloured leaf plants.

Roses, carnations, camellias, azaleas, pelargoniums and the hardier sorts of plants will do better if placed in a cold frame or pit until the middle of November than they would in an ordinary greenhouse.

Plants like petunias and pelargoniums are drought resistant, but under watered fuchsias and lobelia can take weeks to recover.

This is the case with many of our roses, dahlias, begonias, pelargoniums, orchids and other long or widely cultivated garden plants.

The root-pruning of pot-plants is necessary in the case of many soft-wooded subjects which are grown on year after year - pelargoniums and fuchsias, for example.

Sow seed of herbaceous calceolarias; shift heaths, if they require it; cut down pelargoniums past flowering, and plant the cuttings.

The beds contain pink pelargoniums, scarlet geraniums and purple cordylines with white alyssum around the edges.

The houses, mostly white with coloured roofs, are generally built of wood and iron, and have glazed porches, gay with fuchsias and pelargoniums.

Some plants, like pelargoniums, can only be kept handsomely formed and well furnished by cutting them down severely every season, after the blooming is over.

- This term is chiefly applied to those summerflowering plants, such as ivy-leaved and zonal pelargoniums, petunias, dwarf lobelias, verbenas, 'c.

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