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peccary Meaning in Tamil ( peccary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


peccary தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பிற எறும்புகள் பரஸ்பரத் தொடர்புடைய தாவர அமைப்புகள் பெக்கேரியன், முல்லேரியன் மற்றும் முத்துறுப்புக்களில் காணப்படுகிறது.

peccary's Usage Examples:

In the Chaco the tapir or anta (Tapir americanus) still finds a safe retreat, and the peccary (Dycotyles torquatus) ranges from Cordoba north to the Bolivian frontier.

Two species of bear and the "coati" (Nasua) represent the plantigrades and inhabit the mountain slopes, and, of Pachydermata, the peccary (Dicotyles) and "danta" or tapir (Tapirus) have a wide distribution throughout the lowland and lower plateau forests.

The peccary (Tayassu angulatum), the armadillo (Tatu novemcinctum), the civet-cat (Bassariscus astutus flavus), the Mexican bighorn (Ovis mexicanus) and the jaguar are Mexican species found in southern or south-western Texas.

Tapirs are to be found in the eastern forests, the peccary in more open woodlands, and the opossum in nearly every part of the country.

peccary threatened species to be seen at the park include lesser pandas, South American bush dogs, collared peccaries, caracal and lynx.

Aside from its origin, the fauna of Mexico includes at least five species of monkey, the jaguar, puma, ocelot (Felis pardalis), wolf, coyote, lynx, badger, otter (Lutra felina), beaver, muskrat, bear, raccoon (Procyon), coati (Nasua), tapir, two species of peccary (Dicotyles torquatus and D.

He urged Ed ahead with a gentle nudge of the knees, and followed the peccary.

We have a few peccary out there and they can be pretty scrappy.

The pachyderms are represented by three species of the peccary (Dicotyles) and two of the anta, or tapir (Tapirus).

The peccary is the only native wild pig in the United States.

Without warning, a peccary and her two babies burst from the brush and darted immediately in front of Ed.

There they saw the tracks of peccary.

Peccaries,which range from New Mexico and Texas to Patagonia, are represented by two main types, of which the first is the collared peccary, Dicotyles (or Tagassu) tajacu, which has an extensive range in South America.


Chiacoan peccary, Peccari angulatus, artiodactyl mammal, even-toed ungulate, musk hog, javelina, artiodactyl, Tayassu angulatus, collared peccary, white-lipped peccary, genus Pecari, genus Tayassu, Tayassu, Tayassu tajacu, Tayassu pecari,


odd-toed ungulate,

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