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passing Meaning in Tamil ( passing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


passing தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அதன் பொருள் கடந்துசெல்லுதல், தாண்டிப் போதல், கடத்தல் என்பதாகும்.

passing's Usage Examples:

As you would expect from such an all-encompassing category our range of ladies silver neckwear offers something for every woman.

Several of Aquatica's signature attractions are cleverly designed to make it appear as if guests are passing through grottos, lagoons, and pools populated with tropical fish and exotic marine life.

In an engraved glass grating there is no opaque material present by which light could be absorbed, and the effect depends upon a difference of retardation in passing the alternate parts.

When a physician suspects esophageal atresia after being presented with the typical symptoms, diagnosis usually begins with gently passing a catheter through the nose and into the esophagus.

""Ah, madam, it is a great sacrament," replied the priest, passing his hand over the thin grizzled strands of hair combed back across his bald head.

The young king was generous and was endowed with considerable intellectual gifts; but passing as he did from Annos gloomy palace at Cologne to Adalberts residence in Bremen, whore he was petted and flattered, he became wayward and wilful.

If they mistakenly selected a pair of numbers which did not total 10, it was met with a rather doleful ' moo ' !porcupine fish were hiding underneath small outcrops, their huge, doleful eyes peering out warily at the passing divers.

The old stuff, the unread stuff, the favorite books, the passing enthusiasm.

To these is attached the powerful elastic ligament (ligamentum nuchae, or " paxwax ") which, passing forwards in the middle line of the neck above the neural arches of the cervical vertebrae - to which it is also connected - is attached to the occiput and supports the weight of the head.

At one end of each rail the flange spread out to form a foot which rested on a cross sleeper, being secured to the latter by a spike passing through a central hole, and above this foot the rail was so shaped as to form a socket into which was fitted the end of the next rail.

Profiting by their experience, it succeeded in framing and passing a measure reconstituting the regular militia, which obtained general approval.

zip zap bop All players sit in a circle, passing a clap around.


passing play, lateral, forward pass, football play, pass, lateral pass, spot pass, passing game, aerial,


middle, beginning, inactive, appearance, disembarkation,

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