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pasha Meaning in Tamil ( pasha வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


துருக்கியில் உயர்ந்த பதவியில் உள்ள அதிகாரி,

pasha's Usage Examples:

The army hereupon retired to Adrianople, and the powerful pasha of Rustchuk, Mustafa Bairakdar, who had distinguished himself by his resistance to the Russians, and who thoroughly shared Selim's desire for reform, was now induced by the many officers who held similar views to march on Constantinople to restore Selim to the throne.

But Turkey was herself fully occupied by affairs in Europe, and to Mehemet Ali, then pasha of Egypt, was deputed the task of bringing the Wahhabis into subjection.

The capitan pasha left his anchorage in the Gulf of Patras with his fleet in a single line, without reserve or advance-guard.

This remarkable man, who ruled the Mountain for fifty-four years, maintained his power by taking the side of one rebel pasha after another, betraying each in turn, and cultivating relations with European admirals.

So early as 1834 it seemed as though the struggle would be renewed; for Mehemet Ali had extended to his new pashaliks his system of monopolies and conscription, and the Syrians, finding that they had exchanged Turkish whips for Egyptian scorpions, rose in a passion of revolt.

Among them were four beys, one of whom, driven to madness by Mehemet Alls mockery, asked for a drink of water; his hands were untied that he might take the bottle, but he snatched a dagger from one of the soldiers, rushed at the pasha, and fell covered with wounds.

In fact the pasha was an illiterate barbarian, of the same type as his countryman Ali of Iannina, courageous, cruel, astute, full of wiles, avaricious and boundlessly ambitious.

On the 1st of March, Shhhin Bey and the other chiefs (one only excepted) repaired with their retinues to the citadel, and were courteously received by the pasha.

On the centre Don John and the capitan pasha met prow to prow - the Christians reserving the fire of their bow guns (called di cursia) till the moment of impact, and then boarding.

This lease lapsed with the pasha's death, but in 1865 Ismail Pasha reacquired the port for Egypt.

Of the rulers who had submitted to Ismail, Nair Mimr, the mek of Shendi, had been compelled to follow in the suite of the Egyptians as a sort of hostage, and this man entertained deep hatred of the pasha.

The pasha was ordered either to hand over the executioners to vengeance or to resign his place; as he refused to do the forfner he was compelled to do the latter, and presently a rescript came from Constantinople, approving the conduct of the army and appointing one KhalIl Pasha as Musas successor.


pacha, authority,


certain, unsure, sure,

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