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paroxysm Meaning in Tamil ( paroxysm வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தாங்கொன்னாத் துயர், திடீரென ஏற்படும் வலி, வலிப்பு,

paroxysm's Usage Examples:

A long and fatiguing tour of inspection over the latest of his great public works, the Ladoga Canal, during the autumn of 1724, brought back another attack of his paroxysms, and he reached Petersburg too ill to rally again, though he showed himself in public as late as the 16th of January 1725.

When the treaty was discussed in parliament in December of the preceding year, though suffering from a severe attack of gout, he was carried down to the House, and in a speech of three hours' duration, interrupted more than once by paroxysms of pain, he strongly protested against its various conditions.

Another rule is that the quartan has the longest cold stage, while its paroxysm is shortest as a whole; the quotidian has the shortest cold stage and a long hot stage, while its paroxysm is longest as a whole.

Whooping cough has four somewhat overlapping stages: incubation, catarrhal stage, paroxysmal stage, and convalescent stage.

Potassium nitrate is chiefly used to make nitre paper, which on burning emits fumes useful in the treatment of the asthmatic paroxysm.

If the first paroxysm should not cease within the twenty-four hours, the fever is not reckoned as an intermittent, but as a remittent.

Benign childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms: a 15-year prospective study.

Howard Marshall This year has seen completion of recruitment to the study of atrio-ventricular node ablation and pacing for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

In Smolensk, at the Malakhov Gate, he had hardly dozed off in a paroxysm of fever before he was awakened by the bombardment of the town--and Smolensk held out all day long.

It is usually of paroxysmal character, and not unfrequently periodic, occurring at a certain time of the day or night.

The paroxysms (spasms) can be induced by over activity, feeding, crying, or even overhearing someone else cough.

In fact, that's all they do: make that temperamental high-maintenance wine that either drives oenophiles into paroxysms of gushing giddiness or sinks them into sulking, despairing funks of ennui.

Now, when the first paroxysm of your grief is past, I would advise you to come with me, and we will never rest till the Corn Laws are repealed.


attack, convulsion, fit,


differ, disagree, defuse, unmuzzle,

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