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pardonable Meaning in Tamil ( pardonable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


pardonable's Usage Examples:

Hence his mistakes though easy to understand are by no means so pardonable as were, for example, those of the Georges, who had been absolute monarchs in their own country.

But to the last they had the unpardonable crime of being a ruling barbarian race or caste in Italy.

Mistakes under such circumstances are pardonable.

What was unpardonable was that he treated the people about him like a shah, or one of the craziest of the Roman emperors.

Like Schleiermacher he substitutes collective guilt for original sin; and he attaches great dogmatic value to the assertion that sin has two stages - ignorance, in which it is pardonable, and obduracy, when it is ripe for final sentence (probably annihilation).

This was intolerable to the aristocratic republicans, to whom it seemed becoming that victorious commanders should accept divine honours at the hands of Greeks and Asiatics, but unpardonable that Romans should offer the same worship to a Roman.

His errors in this way are of course, looked at from an absolute standard, unpardonable.

But the Liberals again voted against the government on an important military bill, an offence almost as unpardonable in Austria as in Germany, and a great meeting of the party decided that they would not support the government.

Pardon me, are you unwell?Unhappily the insolence which, while it was defensive, was pardonable, and in some sense respectable, accompanied him into societies where he was treated with courtesy and kindness.

Watts; Ten Sermons Preached Before and After the Lord's Supper (1722); The Unpardonable Sin Against the Holy Ghost (1784).

Bunyan has told us, with very pardonable vanity, that in New England his dream was the daily subject of the conversation of thousands, and was thought worthy to appear in the most superb binding.

), for example, roundly declares that Plato and Aristotle, referring everything to this earthly life, " made virtue mere folly "; though himself maintaining, with pardonable inconsistency, that man's highest good did not consist in mere pleasure, but in the consciousness of the filial relation of the soul to God.

It was blasphemy against the spirit, or the unpardonable sin, a sin so awesomely bad that it can not be forgiven.


excusable, forgivable, minor, venial, expiable,


majority, major, unlimited, adult, unpardonable,

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