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paradox Meaning in Tamil ( paradox வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முரண்பாடு போலத் தோன்றும் மெய்யுரை,

paradox தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


paradox's Usage Examples:

But it was a paradox derived from his unanswerable truisms, " Every one wishes for his own good, and would get it if he could," and " No one would deny that justice and virtue generally are goods, and of all goods the best.

As with other inhalation therapy paradoxical bronchospasm may occur with an immediate increase in wheezing after dosing.

If Hippias, Polus and Thrasymachus defied conventional morality, they did so independently of one another, and in this, as in other matters, they were disputants maintaining paradoxical theses, rather than thinkers announcing heretical convictions.

libertine ethos is the presence of a fundamental paradox in its advocacy of certain incompatible principles.

He discovered the hydrostatic paradox that the downward pressure of a liquid is independent of the shape of the vessel, and depends only on its height and base.

The Old Etonian Mr Letwin is, paradoxically, the true egalitarian.

So inefficient, indeed, were the reforms as a whole, and so unsuited to the national character and customs, that the Slavophil critics of a later date could maintain plausibly the paradoxical thesis that in regard to internal administration Peter was anything but a national benefactor.

But for a tendency to paradox, his intellectual powers were of the highest order, and as a master of nervous idiomatic English he is second to Cobbett alone.

He also wrote a treatise entitled De Petal reel de la presse et des pamphlets depuis Francois P r jusqu'a Louis XIV (1834), in which he refuted an empty paradox of Charles Nodier, who had tried to prove that the press had never been, and could never be, so free as under the Grand Monarch.

Nearly two years were passed in Geneva; visiting Italy in 1641, he remained during the winter of that year in Florence, studying the "paradoxes of the great star-gazer" Galileo, who died within a league of the city early in 1642.

The Hebrews shared the paradoxes of Orientals, and religious enthusiasm and ecstasy were prominent features.

It should be noted that, according to Scottish usage, police " includes drainage, the suppression of nuisances, paving, lighting and cleansing, in addition to the provision of a constabulary force, and that in point of fact, paradoxical as it appears, the bulk of the police burghs do not manage their police.

 The Paradoxes (Characters of a believing Christian in paradoxes, and seeming contradictions), which was often and justly suspected, has been conclusively proved by Grosart to be the work of another author.


contradiction, contradiction in terms,



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