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papilionaceous Meaning in Tamil ( papilionaceous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

வண்ணத்துப் பூச்சியுருவுடைய

papilionaceous's Usage Examples:

- Flower of Pea (Pisum sativum), showing a papilionaceous corolla, with one petal superior (st) called the standard (vexillum), two inferior (car) called the keel (carina), and two lateral (a) called wings (alae).

In his book on the fertilization of flowers, Hermann Muller distinguishes four types of papilionaceous flowers according to the way in which the pollen is applied to the bee: (I) Those in which the stamens and stigma return within the carina and thus admit of repeated visits, such are the clovers, Melilotus and laburnum.

Showy erect-growing plants with papilionaceous.

In some cases, as in papilionaceous flowers, the stamens cohere, having been originally separate, but in most cases each bundle is produced by the branching of a single stamen.

When the different members of each whorl are like in size and shape, the flower is said to be regular; while differences in the size and shape of the parts of a whorl make the flower irregular, as in the papilionaceous flower, represented in fig.

- Diagram of a papilionaceous flower, showing vexillary aestivation.

Of irregular polypetalous corollas the most marked is the papilionaceous (fig.

papilionaceous flowers.

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