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panicle Meaning in Tamil ( panicle வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அடர்த்தியாக இல்லாது கிளை விட்டுப் பிரியும் மலர்க்கொத்து,

panicle's Usage Examples:

or more broad; the tops of the fronds are fertile, the fertile pinnae being cylindrical and densely covered with the spore-cases, giving the appearance of a dense panicle of flowers, whence the plant is known as the flowering fern.

They are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs or cymes, which are often spherical or domed.

The minute flowers are arranged in spikelets somewhat as in grasses, and these again in larger spike-like or panicled inflorescences.

, has whitish blossoms in dense panicles, I to 2 ft.

album is a handsome erect pyramidal perennial, 3 1/2 to 5 feet high, with large plaited leaves and yellowish-white flowers in dense spikes on the top of the stem, forming a large panicle.

The flowers of the horsechestnut, which are white dashed with red and yellow, appear in May, and sometimes, but quite exceptionally, again in autumn; they form a handsome erect panicle, but comparatively few of them afford mature fruit.

Rodgersia Pinnata - A distinct plant, whose handsome panicles, 3 to 4 feet high, of rosy-pink flowers, stand out well above the emerald-green, often bronzed, redtinged leaves.

Gypsophila - Plants of the Stitchwort family, the larger kinds usually very elegant, and bearing myriads of tiny white blossoms on slender spreading panicles.

The spikelets are usually many-flowered and variously arranged in racemes or panicles.

H the secondary floral axes give rise to tertiary ones, the raceme is branching, and forms a panicle, as in Yucca gloriosa.

) oat or panicled oats with a spreading panicle, A.

The members of the genus are possessed of the following characters: - Bark often papyraceous; leaves deciduous, compound, alternate and imparipinnate, with leaflets serrate or entire; flowers in racemes or panicles, white, green, yellowish or pink, having a.

Spikelets falling singly from the unjointed rachis of the spike or the ultimate branches of the panicle.

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