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panegyrics Meaning in Tamil ( panegyrics வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒன்றைப் பற்றி (அ) ஒருவரைப் பற்றி பாராட்டி, புகழ்ந்து பேசு (அ) எழுதுதல்,

panegyrics's Usage Examples:

The legendary element crept even into the Latin panegyrics produced by the court poets.

Not without full reason have Western connoisseurs lavished panegyrics upon that exquisite production.

To political bias was added family pride, for the gratification of which the archives of the great houses, the funeral panegyrics, or the imagination of the writer himself supplied an ample store of doubtful material.

Funeral orations, such as the famous speech put into the mouth of Pericles by Thucydides, also partook of the nature of panegyrics.

His poems are chiefly panegyrics and love songs (ed.

The agreeable versidecadence fication of an amateur like Ausonius, the refined of GauL panegyrics of a Eumenius, disguising nullity of thought beneath elegance of form, already foretold the perilous sterility of scholasticism.

The panegyrics of Aldus Manutius require to be received with some caution, since he was given to exaggerating the merits of his friend, and uses almost the same language about a young Pole named Stanilaus Niegosevski; see John Black's Life of Torquato Tasso, ii.

The most distinguished of the native scholars was John Cesinge, alias Janus Pannonius, who composed Latin epigrams, panegyrics and epic poems.

'as she appears in the panegyrics of the encyclopaedists and Catherine as she appears in her correspondence and in her acts.

It was his duty to celebrate his princely patrons in panegyrics and epics, to abuse their enemies in libels and invectives, to salute them with encomiastic odes on their birthdays, and to compose poems on their favourite themes.

"Stanislaus Grochowski (1554-1612) was a priest; but his poetry is of little merit, although he was celebrated in his time as a writer of panegyrics.

The two panegyrics by unknown authors (one printed among the poems of Tibullus as iv.

She appointed panegyrics to be composed in his honour, and offered valuable prizes for the best oratorical and tragic compositions.


encomiastic, eulogistic, panegyrical, complimentary,


uncomplimentary, criticize, disparage, disapproval, unfavorable,

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