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pander Meaning in Tamil ( pander வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பரத்தையர்த் தொழில் தரகு வேலை பார்ப்பவன், தீய வழிகளுக்குத் துணை செய்பவன்,

pander's Usage Examples:

Did Christ pander to all their fleshly lusts to see with their eyes rather than to have faith?Instead, marketers should tell " great stories " about their products that pander to consumers ' self-regard and worldview.

, he gained a complete ascendancy over the weak prince by pandering to his pleasures, and became his adviser in the intrigues against Cardinal Richelieu.

This weakness is made worse by the vacillating attitude of the government, which frequently panders to unionist intransigence.

Astute, ambitious and unrestrained by conscience, Dubois ingratiated himself with his pupil, and, while he gave him formal school lessons, at the same time pandered to his evil passions and encouraged him in their indulgence.

From his ascetic standpoint the revocation of the edict could only pander to drunkenness and immorality.

He pandered to the emperor's love of magic and theurgy, and by judicious administration of the omens won a high position at court.

Shortly afterwards, with his vanity and love of popularity inflamed, he pandered to the passions of the lower orders by the publication of his Discours de la lanterne aux Parisiens which, with an almost fiendish reference to the excesses of the mob, he headed by a quotation from St John, Qui male agit odit lucem.

Plato, while admiring Pericles' intellect, accuses him of pandering to the mob; Aristotle in his Politics and especially in the Constitution of Athens, which is valuable in that it gives the dates of Pericles' enactments as derived from an official document, accepts the same view.

To use their business card templates free, all you need is WinZip for Windows, or Stuffit Expander (Macintosh users) to open the templates.

The standard American diet panders more to sweet and salty tastes, so the sensation of sour can require some adjustment.

They say that the liberals are just pandering to what is fashionable in their country.

butler called Wilson which was a detached arm that pandered to his every whim.

"Use of a nickel titanium palatal expander in cleft-palate cases.


offender, panderer, procuress, pandar, ponce, whoremonger, procurer, fancy man, whoremaster, pimp, wrongdoer,


ill humor, good humor, take, woman, good person,

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