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palms Meaning in Tamil ( palms வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



palms தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நாளடைவில் ஆப்பிள், ஆலிவ் உள்ளங்கிய தொடர்பசுமைத் தாவரங்களும் சிறிய மரங்களும் வீட்டினமாக்கதுக்கு உள்ளாகின.

உள்ளங்கிப்படை (tunica intima).

இத்தொகுதியில் தென் சீனா, இந்தோசீனா, தித்திவாங்சா மலைத்தொடர் மற்றும் மேற்கு பர்மா நிலத்தொகுதிகள் உள்ளங்கியுள்ளன.

palms's Usage Examples:

Her palms were sweaty at the thought of seeing Darkyn's daughter, but she wasn't certain why.

Among the palms there are several of great economic value, not only as food producers but also for various domestic uses.

The river is not deep and can be forded in many places; the banks are fringed with thick bush and dom-palms.

Callitris (2 species), Sequoia, Athrotaxis (?) Ginkgo, Podocarpus, Pinus; and several genera of palms, of which the tropical Nipa is the most abundant and most characteristic, among the others being fan-palms of the genera Sabal and Chamaerops.

There are, according to Muller, twice as many palms known from New Guinea as from Australia.

Among these may be noticed thin strips of willow and cane and the fronds of numerous palms.

Many species of indigenous palms abound, and in places the forests are indescribably luxuriant.

The forests are never made up wholly of palms, but are composed of trees of widely different characters, including many common to the Amazon region, together with others found in Central American forests, such as mahogany and "vera" or lignum vitae (Zygophyllum arboreum).

lantana camara ), palms and trees (e.

In Pennant's palmsquirrel, F.

roost communally in palms or baobab trees.

His fingers were long and slim, his palms round.


mitt, paw, hand, thenar, area, region, manus,


disrepute, dishonor, disesteem, infamy, natural object,

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