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palatal Meaning in Tamil ( palatal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

அண்ண ஒலி

palatal's Usage Examples:

In the second period the gutturals have been palatalized, but there yet is no change of final s to r.

ae, the palatal foramina and the lower jaw.

th in thing), had down till about the middle of the 16th century the voiceless sound Is and the voiced sounddz respectively, and that in like manner tbe palatal spirants g, j, x, before assuming the uniform pronunciation of the guttural spirant (-Germ.

Glagolitic has a symbol for the palatalized g (5), but it is used only in the transcription of Greek words, y having become y early between vowels in the popular dialects.

This demonstrates beyond a doubt the possibility of a strongly palatalized n becoming a palatal sibilant or vice versa, between which utterances there is but a very slight tongue movement.

In them the vomer, however variable, always tapers to a point anteriorly, while behind it includes the basisphenoidal rostrum between the palatals; but neither these nor the pterygoids are borne by its posterior divergent ends.

In other dialects, however, it had been palatalized to a sibilant before i-sounds some time before the Christian era; e.

Lateral and palatal lisps are not found in typical speech development and should be evaluated by a speech-language pathologist.

Dental anomalies and incidence of palatal erosion in Namibian cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus jubatus ).

In Provençal from the 10th century, and in the northern dialects of France from the 13th century, this palatalized c (in different districts is and tsh) became a simple s.

palatalized consonants are called " clear " .

One general feature of the adult bird's skull is the almost complete disappearance of the sutures between the bones of the cranium proper, whilst another is the great movability of the whole palatal and other suspensorial apparatus.


semivowel, glide,


fit, difficult, inclement,

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