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pagoda Meaning in Tamil ( pagoda வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



pagoda தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


pagoda's Usage Examples:

The pagoda itself has no interior.

Props such as buildings, pyramids, pagodas, palm trees, sphinx, dragons, Eiffel Tower and so much more are available to turn your room into a different place.

The bestowal of alms, offerings of rice to priests, the founding of a monastery, erection of pagodas, with which the country is crowded, the building of a bridge or rest-house for the convenience of travellers are all works of religious merit, prompted, not by love of one's fellowcreatures, but simply and solely for one's own future advantage.

Mussulman books; they eat from their hands; the rao, when he appears in public, alternately worships God in a Hindu pagoda and a Mahommedan mosque; and he fits out annually at Mandvi a ship for the conveyance of pilgrims to Mecca, who are maintained during the voyage chiefly by the liberality of the prince.

You will emerge by the main road adjacent to a pedestrian crossing and covered pagoda, Netball House is on the right.

The circular plaque is formed of a triple circle of lotus leaves in gold, red and green, within a blue circlet with pearls a richly caparisoned white elephant on a gold ground, the whole surmounted by the jewelled gold pagoda crown of Siam; the collar is formed of alternate white elephants, red, blue and white royal monograms and gold pagoda crowns.

Fans, pagodas, birds, butterflies, geishas, and fish are subjects for her paintings.

In ascending the river a stranger's eye is first caught by the numerous huge ice-houses with high thatched roofs and by a tall white tower - the T'ien-feng-t'a or Ning-po pagoda or obelisk - which rises to a height of 160 ft.

The pagodas at Chidambaram are the oldest in the south of India, and portions of them are gems of art.

The lid itself simply lifts off and is decorated with a round inlaid cork picture, which features pagodas, cranes and pines.

Place large bonsai trees near the front of the pagoda, and bring in magnolia trees to flank the pagoda if your budget allows.

Moreover, benefactions to this pagoda are one of the favourite methods of acquiring religious merit among the Burmese.

Holiness is dangerous and may even involve degradation, as in the case of the Burmese para-gyoon or servitor of the pagoda who is by heredity for ever a slave and outcast, unclean of the unclean, with whom none may eat or intermarry, yet ever tending and keeping clean the shrine.





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