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ovule Meaning in Tamil ( ovule வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சிறிய முட்டை,

ovule தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இலைகள் சிறிய முட்டை வடிவில் காணப்படும்.

அதேபோல இவை சிறிய முட்டைகளையேஇடுகின்றன.

சிறிய முட்டைகளான காடை முட்டைகளும் உணவுகளில் சேர்க்கப்படுகின்றன.

"கல்லறைகள்" மணலில் தோண்டப்பட்ட சிறிய முட்டை அல்லது செவ்வக குழிகள் ஆகும்.

ovule's Usage Examples:

- Characterized by the woolly scaleleaves and carpels; the latter terminate in a thick laminar expansion of triangular form, bearing two placental cushions, on which the ovules are situated.

When the ovules are very numerous (indefinite), while at the same time the placenta is not much developed, their position exhibits great variation, some being directed upwards, others downwards, others transversely; and their form is altered by pressure into various polyhedral shapes.

A young ovule consists of a conical nucellus surrounded by a single integument terminating as a two-lipped micropyle.

In the simplest instances the pollen of one flower fertilizes the ovules of another on the same plant, owing to the stamens arriving at maturity in any one flower earlier or later than the pistils.

- Diagrammatic section of a five-carpellary ovary, in which the edges of the carpels, bearing the placentas and ovules o, are not folded inwards.

p, placenta; o, ovules; s, suture, or median line of carpel.

1) having a thin outer skin (epicarp) enclosing the flesh of the peach (mesocarp), the inner layers of the carpel becoming woody to form the stone, while the ovule ripens into the kernel or seed.

The ovule develops into the seed; and the gynaeceum and even more remote parts of the flower, develop into the fruit.

The development of the ovule, which represents the embryo- Gymnosperms; when mature it consists of one or two sac.

On the other, posterior, side of the grain is a more or less evident, sometimes punctiform, sometimes elongated or linear mark, the hilum, the place where the ovule was fastened to the wall of the ovary.

When the ovule is so developed that the chalaza is at the hilum (next the placenta), and the micropyle is at the opposite extremity, there being a short funicle, the ovule is orthotropous.

91), the ovules, o, are attached to the extended marginal placenta, one above the other, forming usually two parallel rows corresponding to each margin of the carpel.

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