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overborne Meaning in Tamil ( overborne வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆற்றலால் மேம்படு,

overborne's Usage Examples:

Federation was supposed to afford protection to the smaller communities--Natal and the Orange River Colony - and in Natal there was much anxiety lest its interests should be overborne.

Thielemann was at length overborne by sheer weight of numbers, and towards II A.

His voice is assuredly not that of a partisan of a discredited and overborne faction.

It seems also true that the Academics were less overborne than the Pyrrhonists by the practical issue of their doubts (imperturbability); their interest was more purely intellectual, and they had something of the old delight in mental exercitation for its own sake (see Arcesilaus, Carneades, Aenesidemus, Agrippa and Sextus Empiricus).

He had rightly measured the strength of his followers, and was waiting for the government to" drift into unison "with the republican sense of its constituents, predicting that President Adams would be" overborne "thereby.

But this was mitigated by a strong sense of humour (not always sarcastic, though sometimes savagely so), and by tenderness, best seen in his epistolary friendships with women; and it was quite overborne by an instinct and passion for great practical affairs.

Eutyches was acquitted of heresy and reinstated, Flavianus and other bishops deposed, the Roman legates insulted, and all opposition was overborne by intimidation or actual violence.

This view was, however, overborne by the great authority of Lachmann, whose theory, in complete harmony with the principles popularized by the brothers Grimm, was accepted and elaborated by a long series of critics.

Savonarola, perceiving that a trap was being laid for him, discountenanced the "experiment" until his calmer judgment was at last overborne by the fanaticism of his followers.

"His voice is assuredly not that of a partisan of a discredited and overborne faction.

With this end King Wenceslaus of Bohemia had requested the co-operation of the archbishop and his clergy, and also the support of the university, in both instances unsuccessfully, although in the case of the latter the Bohemian "nation," with Huss at its head, had only been overborne by the votes of the Bavarians, Saxons and Poles.


squeeze, compact, constrict, contract, compress, press, bear down,


refrain, undercharge, decompress, decompression, unclasp,

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