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outpost Meaning in Tamil ( outpost வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புறக் காவல் இடம்,

outpost தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


outpost's Usage Examples:

Denisov, as was his wont, rode out in front of the outposts, parading his courage.

The town of Banias, with its castle, formed also a strong outpost against Damascus, and was the scene, in common with the other strongholds, of many desperate encounters between Moslems and Christians.

It was at first an outpost of Selinus (Herod.

She was marooned in a remote outpost of life, doomed only to be a distant watcher.

At the close of a day of victory he was reconnoitring the hostile positions when suddenly the Confederate outposts opened fire upon his staff, whom they mistook in the dark and tangled forest for Federal cavalry.

The cavalry, moving well in advance, dispersed the Prussian depots and captured their horses, as far as the line of the Vistula, where at last they encountered organized resistance from the outposts of Lestocq's little corps of 15,000 men - all that was left of Frederick the Great's army.

By 1755 the obstacle to westward expansion had been thus reduced by half; outposts of the English colonists had penetrated the Allegheny and Cumberland plateaus, threatening French monopoly in the transmontane region, and a conflict became inevitable.

On the eighteenth and nineteenth of November, the army advanced two days' march and the enemy's outposts after a brief interchange of shots retreated.

No doubt they were an outpost of the Germans, and so had absorbed into themselves strong Getic, Celtic and Sarmatian elements.

They've put two regiments as outposts, and they're having such a spree there, it's awful!The most notable of the tributaries is the Spree (227 m.

Massena's corps at once crossed to the left bank and dislodged the Austrian outposts.

Meanwhile the archduke and Hiller, both now unmolested, effected their junction in the vicinity of Wagram, picketing the whole line of the Danube with their outposts and collecting all the boats.


post, military post,


electronic mail, email, e-mail,

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